Monday, December 13, 2010

Stomach Hard And Bloated

The Cold Heart - Part 4

by Wilhelm Hauff (1802-1827)

B that an Saying, he shook the money through another in his immense pocket, and it sounded like that night in a dream. But Peter's heart quivered anxious and painful to these words, he was hot and cold, and saw the Dutch Michael not as if he wegschenkte money out of pity, without asking anything in return.
E s dropped him the mysterious words of the old man over the rich man, and hunted down by an inexplicable fear and anxiety, he exclaimed: "Thank you, Mr. But with you I want nothing to do, I know you already -" , and ran, he could walk. But the forest spirit walked with tremendous Steps beside him muttered, dull and threatening "regret Will not, Peter will still come to me on your forehead it is written, in your own eye's to read, you me can not escape Do not run so fast, can only hear.. a reasonable word, there is already my limit! " But as Peter heard this and saw close before him a small ditch, he hastened even more to come over the border, so that Michel had to end run faster and with curses and threats followed him. The young man sat with a desperate leap across the ditch, because he saw the Spirit of the Wood raised his arm with his rod and wanted to let crush on him. He got safely beyond to, and the rod shattered in the air like an invisible wall, and a long piece fell to Peter over.
T riumphierend he picked it up to allow the gross-Dutchman Michel throw, but at that moment he felt the piece of wood to move in his hand, and to his horror he saw that It was a huge snake, which he held in his hand that reared up already drooling tongue and eyes flashing at him. He let her go, but she had already wrapped tightly around his arm and came up with varying head his face closer. Since rushed down at once a tremendous capercaillie, grabbed the head of the serpent with his bill, got up with her in the air, and Dutch Michael, who had seen it all from the pit of howling and screaming and raging, as the snake was kidnapped by a mightier.
rschöpft E and Peter sat trembling on his way. The path was steep, the wilder, and soon he found himself at the enormous pine tree. He made his bow again, as yesterday and raised then:
"S Are chatzhauser in the green pine forest
already many hundred years old,
is your all land where pine trees are,
Lets see you Sunday only children. "
" H ast it does not completely met, but because it's you, Kohlenmunk-Peter , want to go there, "a fine, tender voice spoke to him. Astonished, he looked around, and under a beautiful pine sat a small, little old man in a black jacket and red stockings and the big hat on his head. He had . a fine, friendly face and a beard as delicate as cobwebs out he was smoking - which was strange to see - from a pipe made of blue glass, and when Peter came closer, he saw his surprise, that even clothes, shoes and hat of the little ones were made of colored glass. But it was smooth, as if it was still hot, as it clung like cloth after each movement of the little man.
"D are u met the flail, the Dutch Michael?" said the boy, as he coughed strange between each word. "He wanted to scare up right, but his art beatings I've been chasing him, he will never again war!"
"J a, Mr. Treasurer," Peter replied with a deep bow, "I was very frightened. But you are probably the Lord Grouse was that has bitten the snake? Since I would like to thank the prettiest. - But I come to bring me with you advice. I feel very badly, a charcoal burner is not going far. And since I'm young, I should think it might be something better out of me. And if I often see others, how far have brought in a short time - if I only take the Ezekiel and the dance floor king - who have money to burn eter "
" P "said the Small very seriously and blew the smoke from his pipe far away. "Peter, tell me anything about this! What do you get when they here a few years after the appearance happy and then later the more are unhappy? You have your trade not to be despised. Your father and grandfather were men of honor and have also driven, Peter Munk! ..
P eter was shocked at the seriousness of the little man and blushed "I hope not, that it is a love of idleness, which leads you to me No," he said, "Idleness - I know well, Mr. Treasurer in the fir forest - Idleness is the root of all evil! But you can make me not mind if I like someone else was better than mine. A charcoal burner's just something so very Garstiges in the world, and the Glaslehüter and rafters and watchmaker, and all are respected. "
" H ochmut often comes before a fall, "the little man from the pine woods said something friendly." You are a strange gender, people! Rarely is one of the state quite happy where he was born and bred, and what it is - if you had a glass man, you would like a wood-be master, and you'd be Holzherr, so you would be the Ranger Service or the president's APARTMENT. But it was! If you promise to work hard, so I will help you to something better, Peter. I take care of each Sunday's child, knows how to find me to grant three wishes. The first two are free, the third I can refuse if he is foolish. So now it will cost you want something, but, Peter - something good and useful "
" H Eissa! You are an excellent Glass-man, and rightly called you Treasurer, because you are the treasures at home! Now - and so I must do, what my heart desires, so I will for now, that I could still dance better than the dance floor king, and each time twice as much money as he brings to the pub!
"D u fool!" replied the boy angrily. "What a pathetic desire is to dance so well and money for the game to have! Are not you ashamed, stupid Peter, so as to deceive yourself about your luck What good is it to you and your poor mother, if you can dance? What's the use of your money, that is according to your desire for the inn, and as the wretched dance floor king stays there, then again you have the whole week not need, and as before. One more request I'll give you free, but up front, look that you want reasonable! "
P eter scratched behind the ears and said, after some hesitation: "Well, I hope the richest and most glass factory in the Black Forest with all accessories and money, to . conduct "
"S onst nothing?" asked the little man with a worried expression. "Peter, that's all?" "Well, you could still do to a horse and a cart."
"O h, you stupid Kohlenmunk-Peter, "cried the little boy and threw his glass pipe in anger at a thick pine that she jumped into a hundred pieces." horses? Cart? Mind, I tell you, mind would have common sense and insight you want to, but not horses and carts! Well, not only is so sad, we want to see that it is not as to your claim. For the second wish was on the whole not foolish. A good glass works also nourishes their Lord and Master. Only you would have insight and understanding can take to horses and carriages would then have happened by itself! "
"A over, Mr. Treasurer," said Peter, "I've still got one wish left. I could even do mind when he gave me is as necessary as you think!"
"N othing there! You will still get in some embarrassment when you will be lucky if you still have a wish free. And now make up the road to home! here are, "said the little fir tree spirit by drawing a small purse of the pocket," here are two thousand florins, and that is enough, and I do not come back to demand for money, because then I would have you by the highest fir hang! So I've kept since I live in the forest. - Three days ago, but is the old Winkfritz died, has had the great glass works in the undergrowth. Go there tomorrow morning and make a bid on the trade, as it is right! Hold up well, be diligent, and I will visit you sometimes and you go help and advice at hand, because you have requested but you do not mind. But - and I say to you seriously - your first wish was evil! Take care before running the inn, Peter! 'S has not done anything in a long time well. "The little man had, as it said this, pulled out a new pipe from the finest glass, filled it with dried pine cones and placed in small, toothless mouth. Then it pulled out a huge magnifying glass, stepped into the sun and lit his pipe. When he was finished, he offered Peter a friendly handshake, he gave him was smoking some good lessons on the road and blew faster and faster and disappeared at last in a cloud of smoke for real Dutch tobacco smell and slowly curling into the pine trees drifts away.
A ls Peter came home, he found his mother very much to worry in him, for the good woman did not believe otherwise than that her son had been dug for soldiers. But he was happy and good Things and told her how he met in the forest a good friend who had advanced him money to start another business as a coal burning. Although his mother for the last thirty years in the charcoal burner's hut dwelt, and was accustomed to seeing soot-covered people so than any miller of the flour face of her husband, she was vain enough, once you Peter showed a more brilliant lot, their previous state to despise and said, "Yes, as a mother of a man who owns a glass factory, I am something other than neighbor Greta and pray and sit in front towards the future in the church, where people sit right!" Her son, but was soon with the heirs of the glass works on a deal. He kept the workers that he found in himself and was now day and night to make glass. At first he liked the craft well. He would slowly in the glass factory to go down, went there to make steps, hands in his pocket, back and forth, looked then looked, there - saying this and that what his workers did not laugh often less, and his greatest joy was see the glass blowing, and he often made himself to work and formed out of the ground is still soft, the most extraordinary figures. But soon his work was spoiled, and he first came only one hour of the day in the hut, then every other day, finally once a week, and made his companions what they wanted. All this came only from the inn running.
D en Sunday, after he had returned from the pine forest, he went to the inn, and he sprang forward to the dance floor was the dance floor king, and the thick Ezekiel sat already behind the traditional glass and gambling for Kronentaler. As Peter went quickly into his pocket to see if the jar little man had kept his word, and behold, his bag was full of silver and gold. Even in his legs twitched and pushed it as if they wanted to dance and jump. And when the first dance ended, he stood with his partner at the top next to the dance floor king, and this jumped three feet high, Peter flew four, and made this strange and graceful steps, Peter swallowed and turned his feet, that all viewers in pleasure and surprise came nearly beside himself. But when they heard on the dance floor, that Peter had bought a glass factory, when they saw that he, as often as he waltzed past the musicians, threw them a Sechsbätzner, there was no end of astonishment. Some believed that he had found a treasure in the woods, the others said, he had an inheritance - but now all revered him and considered him a made man, only because he had money. But he gambled on the same evening eight p.m. Gulden, and yet it sounded in his pocket as if a hundred dollars would be in it.
A ls saw Peter, regarded as he was, he knew himself with joy and pride to categorize. He threw the money away with both hands and gave it to the poor with plenty, but he knew how he himself had once pressed poverty. King of the dance floor skills were put to shame before the supernatural arts of the new dancer, and Peter now led to the Kaiser Dance. The enterprising players on Sunday as much as he dared not, but they lost not so much. And the more he got, the more everything he won. It acted, however, just as he had requested from the small glass little man. He had wanted to always have as much money in my pocket, like the thick Ezekiel, and just this was, to which he pissed away his money. And if he lost twenty or thirty guilders at once, so once again he had in his pocket when they pocketed Ezekiel. Gradually, he brought it in feasting and games, but more than the worst fellows in the Black Forest, and they called him more often as a dance game Peter Kaiser, because he was playing now almost every working day. But above its glass works came gradually to decline, and it was Peter's stupidity to blame. Glass he ordered it, so much one could ever make. But he had with the glassworks not also purchased the secret where you could sell it the best. He knew at the end to do with the amount of glass nothing and sold it for half the price of itinerant merchants to pay for its workers.
E ne evening he went back home from the pub and thought in spite of the wine which he drank to make himself happy, with horror and grief at the expiration of his assets. Then he suddenly noticed that someone was walking beside him. He looked around, and lo and behold - it was the Glass-man! As became he in anger and zeal, surveyed the high and expensive, and swore, the boy was to blame for all his misfortune. "What do I do now with a horse and cart?" he cried. "What good is my house and all my glass? Even when I was a miserable Köhler lad, I lived happy and had no worries. Now I do not know when the mayor comes and the value of my belongings and I pledged my debts because!"
"S o?" Glass said the little man. "So? So should I be blamed if you are unhappy? If this is the thanks I get for good deeds? Who do you said so foolish? A glass man wanted Want to be and did not know where to sell your glass! I said you do not want you should carefully? Mind, Peter - has missed me wisdom "
" W as.? ! Sense and prudence. "Exclaimed that" I'm such a clever fellow as any one, and I want to show you, Glass-man "And with these words he took the little man roughly by the collar and shouted," Have I now, Treasurer in the green pine forest - and the third wish I want to do now that you shall give me! And I will here on the site of two hundred thousand dollars and a house and hard - alas, "he shouted, shaking his hand because the forest little man. had turned into glowing glass and burned in his hand like sparkling fire. But from the little man was nothing more to see.
M everal days, hand him his swollen recalled his ingratitude and folly. Then he stunned his conscience and said, "And if they give me the glass factory and sell everything, so I still remain the thick Ezekiel long as the money on Sunday, it may fail me not."
J a, Peter! But if he has none? - And so it happened one day and was a strange arithmetic, and people's heads stretched through the window, and one said, here comes the play Peter and the other, yes, the dancing emperor, the rich glass man - and a third shook his head and said, "With the wealth you can do it, they say all sorts of his debts, and in the city has a say, the magistrate will not be far with the pledges." Peter, however, greeted the guests at the rich and noble window gravely, got down from the car and shouted: "Sun host, good evening is the fat Ezekiel already there?" And cried a deep voice: "Come in, Peter Your place is free, we are already there and the cards!." So Peter Munk came into the bar, drove straight into the bag and saw that Ezekiel had to be fitted well, as his bag was filled to the top.
E r sat behind the table to the other and played and won and got back and forth, and so they played until other honest people when it was evening, went home. And played with light, two other players said: "That's enough, we need to go home to his wife and child, but game-Peter called the thick Ezekiel to stay on this long would not, but at last he cried." Well, now I want to count my money, and then we will roll to the set five Gulden, because low it's just child's play! "
E drew r the bag and counted and found a hundred florins in cash, and play-Peter now knew how much he had and not only needed to count. But Ezekiel had previously won, he lost now, sentence by sentence, and cursed it gray. he threw two of a kind, just threw game-Peter also, and always two eyes later. He finally put the last five guilders on the table and called out: "One more time! And even if I lose, I hear it does not, then you lend me of your profit, Peter - an honest guy helps the other, "
"S o much as you want, and if there should be a hundred florins," said the Emperor dance, happy about his win, and the thick Ezekiel shook the dice and threw fifteen. "Pasch" he cried, "Now we shall see!" Peter, however, threw eighteen, and a hoarse-known voice behind him said. "So, that was the last"
E r looked around, and the huge Dutch Michael was standing behind him. Startled, he dropped the money he had already been painted. But the thick forest Ezekiel saw the man, but rather demanded that the game was to him ten-Peter Gulden advance to the game. Half in a dream that passed his hand in his pocket, but there was no money. He was looking in the other pocket, but also there was nothing. He returned to the rock, but it fell out no red Heller, and only now he remembered his own first wish, ever so much money to have as thick of Ezekiel.
D he saw the host and Ezekiel him in astonishment as he looked over and could not find his money. She did not believe he had any more. But when they finally looked into his own pockets, they were very angry and swore that the game Peter is an evil magician and had all the money won and his own after Home you want. Peter defended himself steadfast, but appearances were against him. Ezekiel said he wanted to tell the terrible story of everyone in the Black Forest, and the landlord promised him tomorrow with the earliest to go into town and Peter Munk to sue as a magician, and he wanted to see it - he added - that he was burn! Then they fell furiously upon him, he pulled the jacket from his body and threw him out the door.
K a star shining in the sky, as Peter sadly zuschlich his apartment. But still he could see the dark figure the herschritt next to him and finally said: "With you all is over, Peter Munk all his glory is over, and I could tell even then can, as you did not hear from me and ran to the stupid glass dwarf Since see. you now what you have, if you despise my advice, but try it once with me, I am sorry for your fate Do not have it regretted that appealed to me, and if you do not shrink the way -.. tomorrow the All day I'm talking to the pine forest when you call me. " Peter was well aware of who spoke to him, but he came to a horror. He said nothing, but ran to his house.

... Continued ...


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