President Obama on the Internet - much more than campaign
Barack Obama and his team during the campaign very closely the possibilities of the Internet used (see further under " Obama's Internet strategy ").
Whoever thought has, after the election is all over, is completely false. Use of the Internet by the U.S. politics shows that the Internet is not just another marketing channel, but an entirely new opportunity for transparency, interaction and motivation of citizens.
The website was consistently and to the new page extended.
The manner in which the new White House Web site, the current policy and the decisions taken are described, is exemplary in my view.
At least here is an attempt to explain complex issues in such a way that the ordinary people understand what the measures are intended to serve. This attempt fails in Germany alone, because the decisions for the actors themselves are not rationally based. Too many laws are being closed as a bad compromise, in times of a grand coalition if this is the apparently very strong.
The annoyance of German politics rises above all the fact that politicians are increasingly trying to take inspiration from the current mood. The perceived mood of the people will be motivated to anseitig opinion research and read the headline in Bild newspaper. Current examples are the back and forth with the Non smoking laws in Bavaria, the mess in the health system and the AbwarckprÀmie attention to the insistence of the auto industry. With long-term policy and know where to go with Germany, which has nothing to do unfortunately. As beneficial as is the view of a man like Obama, who now manages to convey that he knows what he wants and how he gets there.
Instead Forsa Infratest and BILD-Zeitung is because sometimes the people themselves heard.
quote. "President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history to send questions, comments, concerns, or well-wishes to the President or his staff, please use the form below: "
at least I think here is that these direct messages are read from the acting politicians from someone who passes sorted the entries properly and bundled to the responsible persons.
addition to information and interaction is the involvement and motivation of the citizens, the third powerful element in the Obama `s Internet strategy. This is mainly due to and all its local ties visible.
Here the citizens themselves challenged and motivated to share in his neighborhood with friends and acquaintances about necessary measures. How can new jobs be created? What can I do?
etc. The American's used by the lower government spending has always been to contribute even more. It is shown here in a very simple way, what is there to do in my area and what you can exchange ideas.
I hope that our leaders recognize these opportunities (to be) and use the Internet not only primarily as a campaign tool. The already existing Web sites and services have expanded consistently and are marketed for better online.
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