The websites of the 10 most important German politicians (as ZDF Politbarometer , as of 21.11.2008) are: first
Angela Merkel and
second Frank-Walter Steinmeier
third Peer Steinbrück
4th Franz Muentefering
5th Ursula von der Leyen (unfortunately no website)
6th Horst Seehofer
7th Franz Josef Jung
8th Guido Westerwelle
9th Gregor Gysi
10th Oskar Lafontaine
But how is see the importance of the Internet and whether they are of importance to its website just?
The most sought politicians in Germany (Barack Obama is in Germany in 2008 using the terms in front) are loud MSN Live Search :
The analysis of Google Trends shows that only Angela Merkel sought continuously. Your search volume is about 7 times as high as that of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and about 10 times as high as that of Horst Seehofer, Oskar Lafontaine and Frank Müntefering. Steinmeier and Müntefering benefit from a one-time high around the fall of the party chairman Beck.
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