Sunday, August 29, 2010

When I Get Fingered It Hurts, Whats Wrong

simple potato salad - make it easy

potato salad, there are often many fat and Mayo. The whole is then mE little handsome and is, especially in summer, much too heavy. Therefore, the simple, quick and easy version with vinegar / oil.

1 kg potatoes (waxy / salad)

2 onion chives (as desired) 1 teaspoon mustard

spirit of wine vinegar (not balsamic vinegar)
neutral oil (eg corn or canola oil)
salt / pepper (any other condiments)

Peel the onion and dice it. With vinegar, some water and oil is a Mariande prepare and season to taste and season with salt, pepper and desired seasonings and a (aromatic) and. Whisk in the mustard and the onion to give (can now draw from the marinade). Then cook potatoes until they come off easily and the prick of a knife by itself again, so by sind.Dann Peel and slice. The marinade and mix gently. After serving kuzer rest with chives.


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