Thursday, August 26, 2010

Asymmetric Face Sleep

donuts own cup cake

Krape or donuts are called Berlin or Cameroonian popular and quickly made himself!

Ingredients: 500g flour
4 egg yolks 90g sugar

80-80-90g butter 1 package dry yeast

¼ liter milk 1 pkg vanilla sugar, or the marrow of a pod

2 tablespoons rum

salt 100g apricot jam or other jam
oil for frying


flour mixed with yeast. Yolk to butter and let melt, and a pinch of salt, sugar, vanilla sugar, rum and milk to knead until smooth (Knethacken the food processor). All ingredients used in the yeast dough must be lukewarm. Go the dough in a warm place to leave until it is twice as high.

the dough and knead again briefly on a floured Surface roll out thick as a finger. Cut out on the half Teigfläche round shapes, drawing on the other half of the circles slightly and place on the middle of the circle jam. The apricot jam mix well with a little rum.

The gouged out forms with the bottom of it put up and squeeze the Teigränder. Again with a smaller cookie cutter cut out donuts and place on a floured board. If no smaller cookie cutter to be present, one can make do with a drinking glass. Cover and leave until they are twice as high.

oil in a pan or a suitable pan and fry the fritters with the underside of floating upward and cover the pan. Turn the fritters and bake in the open pan. The donuts are to be baked brown on each side about 2 minutes and have a white small margin. The finished fritters to drain on paper towels to cool place and leave.
It can be baked without a jam and it later using the "syringe" are introduced in the Kapferer. Last sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.


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