Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Black White Damask Clip Art

grilled hamburgers make myself - original delicate USA-Style

The original American hamburger is fried traditionally grilled on the barbecue as a BBQ and not in the pan. Furthermore, is placed differently than in mom's kitchen, only pure beef on the grill and seasoned only after grilling. You will be surprised how good it tastes ! But first things first:

ingredients (5 Burger)
1kg Rinfleisch (as ground meat, if possible twice "shot" or "minced")
lining of your choice (onions, sauces, mustard, ketchup , cheese, lettuce, tomato, etc.)
charcoal grill!

The Rinfleisch (it should be very fine, low fat and fresh) can (minced), fresh from the butcher to chop its choice, thus receiving the best quality. This should also be used on the same day in order to give the germs a chance to multiply.
the meat now, without any ingredient by Kent and divide into 5 balls of 200g. This gently with both hands to finger thickness forms "patties" that where possible, be the same thickness at all points and should not be allowed to break. You can also freeze them before cooking for a few hours in order to grill them later easier. But that is not absolutely necessary.
Spread the burger patties on the grill now the Holzkolhengrills (see picture) and cook at high heat until water emerges on top. Then, with a BBQ turner (spatula or metal) in as a jerk driving under the patties and then apply them. Sometimes it helps spread the rust before to do with oil to citizens then contact easier. The other will also brown grill (who likes to have cheese on the burger should now put this on top and let it melt).
The finished meat vest can be salted and then on the toasted hamburger buns are gelget and occupied.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sims 2 Mansions Blueprints

beef rolls with bacon and strong sauce

ingredients for 2-3Personen:
500g beef fillet (already cut to 3-4 Pulp)
pickles from the jar
mustard (spicy)
1 clove garlic
1 onion
250ml red wine (dry)
salt / pepper / bay leaves
soup / bouillon cubes

Preparation: knock
the steaks and brush with Snf and top with bacon. Sliced cucumbers and carrots create an end (about a cucumber & 1 / 2 per carrot pulp), they beilden the core of the roll. Then everything wrap and secure with toothpicks. Rest in the refrigerator lassen.Vor salt and pepper the roast and then sharply to dark brown on 2 sides with some oil and took it out of pan. Sauté onion in the pan and pour in the geleichen red wine. to stir 2 tablespoons sugar and boil everything a little. Then pour 1/2L with soup or water / stock cube and season with the herbs (it could be a different mixture of spices are used). garlic cook yourself or (if a stronger garlic flavor is desired) pressed into the sauce. can to achieve a darker sauce to simmer the onion skins or:
Tip tie off later with the starch or flour with a dark gravy.
meat again and allow to simmer for 11 / 2 hours can be covered. Then take out again and meat sauce to taste and tie. Serve with noodles or dumplings.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

When I Get Fingered It Hurts, Whats Wrong

simple potato salad - make it easy

potato salad, there are often many fat and Mayo. The whole is then mE little handsome and is, especially in summer, much too heavy. Therefore, the simple, quick and easy version with vinegar / oil.

1 kg potatoes (waxy / salad)

2 onion chives (as desired) 1 teaspoon mustard

spirit of wine vinegar (not balsamic vinegar)
neutral oil (eg corn or canola oil)
salt / pepper (any other condiments)

Peel the onion and dice it. With vinegar, some water and oil is a Mariande prepare and season to taste and season with salt, pepper and desired seasonings and a (aromatic) and. Whisk in the mustard and the onion to give (can now draw from the marinade). Then cook potatoes until they come off easily and the prick of a knife by itself again, so by sind.Dann Peel and slice. The marinade and mix gently. After serving kuzer rest with chives.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Numb Arm After Heavy Weights

apple cake with glazed almonds


1 cup whipped cream / cream (250 ml)
100 grams of sugar
1 package vanilla sugar or the marrow of a pod
1 tablespoon rum
1 / 2 sachet baking powder
200g flour
2 eggs
5 tablespoons lemon juice

topping :
20 grams butter 30 grams sugar

4 tablespoons milk
almonds or almond flakes / splinters

4-5 apples

Preparation: Peel Core
the apples and cut into strips. Insert the apple slices in lemon juice with a little rum and sugar. Pour cream into a mixing bowl with sugar and vanilla. The mass of semi-rigid . Mix The eggs and then stir to mix flour and baking powder. A springform pan with butter enrichment. Pour the batter into the mold and cover with the apple slices. In the hot oven at 200 degrees on the second shelf from the bottom about 20 minutes.
In the meantime, the "glaze" prepared: To boil butter, sugar and milk and add the almonds. Distribute the cast on the apple pie and bake another 10 minutes. If the crust turns golden, he is ready.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Asymmetric Face Sleep

donuts own cup cake

Krape or donuts are called Berlin or Cameroonian popular and quickly made himself!

Ingredients: 500g flour
4 egg yolks 90g sugar

80-80-90g butter 1 package dry yeast

¼ liter milk 1 pkg vanilla sugar, or the marrow of a pod

2 tablespoons rum

salt 100g apricot jam or other jam
oil for frying


flour mixed with yeast. Yolk to butter and let melt, and a pinch of salt, sugar, vanilla sugar, rum and milk to knead until smooth (Knethacken the food processor). All ingredients used in the yeast dough must be lukewarm. Go the dough in a warm place to leave until it is twice as high.

the dough and knead again briefly on a floured Surface roll out thick as a finger. Cut out on the half Teigfläche round shapes, drawing on the other half of the circles slightly and place on the middle of the circle jam. The apricot jam mix well with a little rum.

The gouged out forms with the bottom of it put up and squeeze the Teigränder. Again with a smaller cookie cutter cut out donuts and place on a floured board. If no smaller cookie cutter to be present, one can make do with a drinking glass. Cover and leave until they are twice as high.

oil in a pan or a suitable pan and fry the fritters with the underside of floating upward and cover the pan. Turn the fritters and bake in the open pan. The donuts are to be baked brown on each side about 2 minutes and have a white small margin. The finished fritters to drain on paper towels to cool place and leave.
It can be baked without a jam and it later using the "syringe" are introduced in the Kapferer. Last sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.