design of communication on social platforms
social platforms thrive on the communication of users with each other. To stimulate this communication is to use it several blocks that site owners can:
first Visitors to the profile's
The underlying form of contact on many platforms unconsciously: the visit of the profile. Frequently, such as StumbleUpon, is transparent to the visited, who was on his profile page. The feature comes in at Xing even part of the Premium version, with Mixxt the Post (and vision) of footsteps on the other hand free switched off.
second Grooming
The next stage is called by experts "grooming", the user knows as they gruscheln (StudiVZ) or Poking (Facebook). A quick poke, without leave of text. The creativity for the specific subject name are no limits. So it may be going out on a platform, for example, the function as "invite to cocktail".
third News
Public messages in guest books, user profile or private message through their own mailboxes within social media platforms are as common as forums to exchange off the social Objects. It is interesting how these forms of communication, in addition to SMS and chat, young people are more likely to use e-mail, which will soon be considered as a medium of the older generation. SMS takes just too long and is generally accepted form in the foreseeable future, certainly not as expandable as the services that are offered online. The generation of today is growing to play with the possibilities of the Internet and is triggered by the expansion of this medium again and again to new development opportunities that will provide the current state of the appearance of the Web and the associated usability in the shade.
Stay tuned, as will the online communications evolve.
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