design of communication on social platforms
social platforms thrive on the communication of users with each other. To stimulate this communication is to use it several blocks that site owners can:
first Visitors to the profile's
The underlying form of contact on many platforms unconsciously: the visit of the profile. Frequently, such as StumbleUpon, is transparent to the visited, who was on his profile page. The feature comes in at Xing even part of the Premium version, with Mixxt the Post (and vision) of footsteps on the other hand free switched off.
second Grooming
The next stage is called by experts "grooming", the user knows as they gruscheln (StudiVZ) or Poking (Facebook). A quick poke, without leave of text. The creativity for the specific subject name are no limits. So it may be going out on a platform, for example, the function as "invite to cocktail".
third News
Public messages in guest books, user profile or private message through their own mailboxes within social media platforms are as common as forums to exchange off the social Objects. It is interesting how these forms of communication, in addition to SMS and chat, young people are more likely to use e-mail, which will soon be considered as a medium of the older generation. SMS takes just too long and is generally accepted form in the foreseeable future, certainly not as expandable as the services that are offered online. The generation of today is growing to play with the possibilities of the Internet and is triggered by the expansion of this medium again and again to new development opportunities that will provide the current state of the appearance of the Web and the associated usability in the shade.
Stay tuned, as will the online communications evolve.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Womens Burton Audex Jackets 2010
Never again without? - Thanks to the iPhone Association of Internet and mobile phone
Man is a creature of habit. Quite open to change, needs of the modern man always something familiar. Even facilities sometimes need some time to accept be. Anyone who once wanted to introduce a large company to change, does this "But we've always done it yet so" is the favorite phrase for such occasions. But even in the private sector can be observed this behavior. Everything was better. Since we were also happy to forgo mobile phones. We agreed and when the meeting was a lot going on, they looked just. At the Munich Oktoberfest, there was therefore always the Wiesn Treff. Today we take immediately to our cell phone (did you know that it is not at this word in English is? It is in German pseudo-English word) and call if 30 seconds after the scheduled time, no one is there. And then determine which one would have to look only 2 meters.
Many can live without mobile (the correct English word. Proper Cell Phone) would not imagine. Dates, addresses, phone numbers, text messages, an entire life managed the little magic box. But I still remember people who confidently back in the early days of D-nets hawked "I do not need a cell phone. If someone wants to call me, let him do it when I'm home. "Today, as something is strange when one fails the mobile gabbing. The mobile phone has become an everyday object and as natural to be found in the inside pocket of a jacket or in the handbag, like the Wallet or purse. People had to get used to it. The phone itself is not as elitist as it was in the days when it extra services, announced the a set at a time hook, so you had the opportunity to unpack his device and result in front of the friends "an important phone call" .
The Internet needed a habituation phase. In the 60's and thought with the invention of the World Wide Web has become suitable for mass production in 1990, it took until the millennium, the living room. Today we read magazines online, order us via the website of the pizza delivery lunch, music download on iTunes and fill our library with representative Books from Amazon. Man has become accustomed to the network of networks.
the moment we are back in a habituation phase. After we got used to mobile phones and Internet, and we actually thought shoot through my head like "what we have made them before without a cell phone. How I got my time without internet Romanian "and in our case," what would I do without the internet today for a living? ", Comes the next innovation to meet us. The Association of Internet and mobile phone. The mobile network as it is called, has become better and better and thanks to UMTS mobile phone technology a reality. The iPhone is finally brings the long-awaited breakthrough. was secure, mobile Internet, it before. But honestly, who among us has actually used WAP? And who else businessmen with Blackberrys go retrieve his mail? Quick visit to see the phone on the website of the transport companies, when the next subway is going home - it was two years ago a daunting task. Today it is easily possible. Entire applications can be found on the Web that are aimed directly at iPhone users. The future is towards mobile access to the worldwide web. Custom websites that will enhance the surfing pleasure for mobile phone users continue to be granted. Mobile browsers such as Apple's Mobile Safari or the mobile version of Opera, the PIs of the business pages and Web 2.0 communities can jump up.
yet one often hears the statement "the way I do not need Internet or mail." But that one has of mobile phones also said once.
Man is a creature of habit. Quite open to change, needs of the modern man always something familiar. Even facilities sometimes need some time to accept be. Anyone who once wanted to introduce a large company to change, does this "But we've always done it yet so" is the favorite phrase for such occasions. But even in the private sector can be observed this behavior. Everything was better. Since we were also happy to forgo mobile phones. We agreed and when the meeting was a lot going on, they looked just. At the Munich Oktoberfest, there was therefore always the Wiesn Treff. Today we take immediately to our cell phone (did you know that it is not at this word in English is? It is in German pseudo-English word) and call if 30 seconds after the scheduled time, no one is there. And then determine which one would have to look only 2 meters.
Many can live without mobile (the correct English word. Proper Cell Phone) would not imagine. Dates, addresses, phone numbers, text messages, an entire life managed the little magic box. But I still remember people who confidently back in the early days of D-nets hawked "I do not need a cell phone. If someone wants to call me, let him do it when I'm home. "Today, as something is strange when one fails the mobile gabbing. The mobile phone has become an everyday object and as natural to be found in the inside pocket of a jacket or in the handbag, like the Wallet or purse. People had to get used to it. The phone itself is not as elitist as it was in the days when it extra services, announced the a set at a time hook, so you had the opportunity to unpack his device and result in front of the friends "an important phone call" .
The Internet needed a habituation phase. In the 60's and thought with the invention of the World Wide Web has become suitable for mass production in 1990, it took until the millennium, the living room. Today we read magazines online, order us via the website of the pizza delivery lunch, music download on iTunes and fill our library with representative Books from Amazon. Man has become accustomed to the network of networks.
the moment we are back in a habituation phase. After we got used to mobile phones and Internet, and we actually thought shoot through my head like "what we have made them before without a cell phone. How I got my time without internet Romanian "and in our case," what would I do without the internet today for a living? ", Comes the next innovation to meet us. The Association of Internet and mobile phone. The mobile network as it is called, has become better and better and thanks to UMTS mobile phone technology a reality. The iPhone is finally brings the long-awaited breakthrough. was secure, mobile Internet, it before. But honestly, who among us has actually used WAP? And who else businessmen with Blackberrys go retrieve his mail? Quick visit to see the phone on the website of the transport companies, when the next subway is going home - it was two years ago a daunting task. Today it is easily possible. Entire applications can be found on the Web that are aimed directly at iPhone users. The future is towards mobile access to the worldwide web. Custom websites that will enhance the surfing pleasure for mobile phone users continue to be granted. Mobile browsers such as Apple's Mobile Safari or the mobile version of Opera, the PIs of the business pages and Web 2.0 communities can jump up.
yet one often hears the statement "the way I do not need Internet or mail." But that one has of mobile phones also said once.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Quotes For Listening Love And Im Thinking Of You
O `clicks is - Oktoberfest on the web
Again is a year around and it is again the Oktoberfest in Munich. Yesterday, Saturday, 20.09.2008, Bavaria's fifth season began on the Theresienwiese, which is not at all far away from our office. We only have 20 minutes to measure and a chicken.
Blessed, then, it has close and a Munich-based agency is ... and Wednesday's off and get out already. And all of them are in the process programmer (not sure if PHP one on the Oktoberfest common language), graphic (attracted by the beautiful picture) and the second floor of course (we write this now to "internal meeting" or disrupts the organization of the project?).
Life is live ... and all we are here!
But do not be sad if you do not come out to the Oktoberfest, just because you are not invited or you do not come from nearby. Power everything nothing, because even such a venerable and traditional get-together is no longer made without virtual support. And now here come all into play, or rather to the Oktoberfest, which are not in the game or at the Oktoberfest or ... so!
Life is internet ... and there are all long ago!
I can go out there is not, but I still like leather pants:
handed me a funny T-shirt: Oktoberfest-2008-4387
Perhaps somewhere a table for the real live feeling (code word: Oktoberfest table)
must at least in such a Oktoberfest after-party I make it:
am not there, but still knows everything
... and mitred'n ia mog: / muenchenwiki / index.php / Bayrisch_Lexikon
Well a little stroll through the Internal Oktoberfest is already something nice. At the end, but three cheers for all those who have close (ie us) and an agency in Munich are (once again upon us).
Cheers @ all!
Again is a year around and it is again the Oktoberfest in Munich. Yesterday, Saturday, 20.09.2008, Bavaria's fifth season began on the Theresienwiese, which is not at all far away from our office. We only have 20 minutes to measure and a chicken.
Blessed, then, it has close and a Munich-based agency is ... and Wednesday's off and get out already. And all of them are in the process programmer (not sure if PHP one on the Oktoberfest common language), graphic (attracted by the beautiful picture) and the second floor of course (we write this now to "internal meeting" or disrupts the organization of the project?).
Life is live ... and all we are here!
But do not be sad if you do not come out to the Oktoberfest, just because you are not invited or you do not come from nearby. Power everything nothing, because even such a venerable and traditional get-together is no longer made without virtual support. And now here come all into play, or rather to the Oktoberfest, which are not in the game or at the Oktoberfest or ... so!
Life is internet ... and there are all long ago!
I can go out there is not, but I still like leather pants:
handed me a funny T-shirt: Oktoberfest-2008-4387
Perhaps somewhere a table for the real live feeling (code word: Oktoberfest table)
must at least in such a Oktoberfest after-party I make it:
am not there, but still knows everything
... and mitred'n ia mog: / muenchenwiki / index.php / Bayrisch_Lexikon
Well a little stroll through the Internal Oktoberfest is already something nice. At the end, but three cheers for all those who have close (ie us) and an agency in Munich are (once again upon us).
Cheers @ all!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
How Much Are Birthday Invitations At Walmart
landing pages or microsites - Product
The most beautiful sites, which are full of brilliant ideas only to multi-media, forcing the user with key information to shower, full of traffic, almost own server to its knees bring, unfortunately, nothing at all if this for sale of products are determined, and the conversion rate does not.
So many users and no one buys what ... may not be true.
are often develops online marketing campaigns for specific products or services which are really good and also draw the attention of the user even to the successful Click Save.
But then, unfortunately, sometimes not thought further. For the next click is the decisive factor. What does the user behind the online advertising medium for information? Prefer more information to that which he perceived to move as interesting product and upon further favor a clear opportunity to purchase the same.
got he does but usually a redirect to the homepage of the provider, where he then preliminaries through navigations and various information back to the first product requires that the user has actually clicked on the ad. This results in a high dropout rate and an extremely low conversion rate.
help microsites. It is used solely for the purpose designed precisely to improve this conversion rate. Exact vote on the issue and the expectations of the user to increase significantly the chance to acquire new customers.
A clear recognition of the message (based on the triggering campaign), a clear "call to Act" and Usability free the user from less detailed news, as he would probably find it on the homepage of the provider.
Such small "product pages" definitely have all the advantages on your side ... for he who seeks finds, and even wants to end up right then and in any case.
The most beautiful sites, which are full of brilliant ideas only to multi-media, forcing the user with key information to shower, full of traffic, almost own server to its knees bring, unfortunately, nothing at all if this for sale of products are determined, and the conversion rate does not.
So many users and no one buys what ... may not be true.
are often develops online marketing campaigns for specific products or services which are really good and also draw the attention of the user even to the successful Click Save.
But then, unfortunately, sometimes not thought further. For the next click is the decisive factor. What does the user behind the online advertising medium for information? Prefer more information to that which he perceived to move as interesting product and upon further favor a clear opportunity to purchase the same.
got he does but usually a redirect to the homepage of the provider, where he then preliminaries through navigations and various information back to the first product requires that the user has actually clicked on the ad. This results in a high dropout rate and an extremely low conversion rate.
help microsites. It is used solely for the purpose designed precisely to improve this conversion rate. Exact vote on the issue and the expectations of the user to increase significantly the chance to acquire new customers.
A clear recognition of the message (based on the triggering campaign), a clear "call to Act" and Usability free the user from less detailed news, as he would probably find it on the homepage of the provider.
Such small "product pages" definitely have all the advantages on your side ... for he who seeks finds, and even wants to end up right then and in any case.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Employment Anniversary Speeches
stars of the design of interactive elements in Web 2.0
What devices are used to interact with users in Web 2.0? Where does it begin and is there a development that adduced in the foreseeable future direction? With the fast pace of the medium, these trends can only be assessed over short periods of time. The individual building blocks, we want to present in a loose sequence in this blog. Part 1: Registration.
Before anyone performs an action that is always the first question of the motivation for this action. It is important to communicate the benefits of the added value of the user who wants to register now. A simple "register here" is the wording did not produce as great highlight.
The possibilities of a targeted user response are rather the path that should be pursued. Xing is such a personal approach in conjunction with the brand positioning as a request for registration in the foreground. The same goes for "Lokalisten. Here is the new user Erreichnen dagestellt established in the center of the home page and provides a very direct personal Speech. Facebook takes this a little clearer before and immediately communicated in addition to the registration for future users the benefits. These are connected directly to a search function, so that the user is already beginning curious to the portal. At a glance, the registration form displayed and avoided as clicking on an additional page.
this collection as possible should be here have less data due to data protection principle. E-mail address and password are then often that which must be entered first. After confirmation by e-mail often one has the option of user profile with various personal data to accumulate to other users (and Web site operators and its advertising department) to better identifiable.
Recently, there were even more established in the login box again a modification. More and more often appears OpenID, either as a logo or a text link. OpenID is an open standard that will solve the problem of constantly re-entering profile data, the recurrent inventing and forgetting of passwords. A central place ie, where one's own profile or more stores like this and up to date can hold. The services then access only for them specifically approved parts of the data, the user must remember only one password. That should, however, please be a safe as possible.
Yahoo explains the benefits of such registration as vividly ( ), Google offers such as OpenID - Logins via Blogger and OpenID for Xing is directly already become the norm and demonstrates the benefits of the new single sign-on solution as Open Source movement clearly to the fore.
What devices are used to interact with users in Web 2.0? Where does it begin and is there a development that adduced in the foreseeable future direction? With the fast pace of the medium, these trends can only be assessed over short periods of time. The individual building blocks, we want to present in a loose sequence in this blog. Part 1: Registration.
Before anyone performs an action that is always the first question of the motivation for this action. It is important to communicate the benefits of the added value of the user who wants to register now. A simple "register here" is the wording did not produce as great highlight.
The possibilities of a targeted user response are rather the path that should be pursued. Xing is such a personal approach in conjunction with the brand positioning as a request for registration in the foreground. The same goes for "Lokalisten. Here is the new user Erreichnen dagestellt established in the center of the home page and provides a very direct personal Speech. Facebook takes this a little clearer before and immediately communicated in addition to the registration for future users the benefits. These are connected directly to a search function, so that the user is already beginning curious to the portal. At a glance, the registration form displayed and avoided as clicking on an additional page.

this collection as possible should be here have less data due to data protection principle. E-mail address and password are then often that which must be entered first. After confirmation by e-mail often one has the option of user profile with various personal data to accumulate to other users (and Web site operators and its advertising department) to better identifiable.

Recently, there were even more established in the login box again a modification. More and more often appears OpenID, either as a logo or a text link. OpenID is an open standard that will solve the problem of constantly re-entering profile data, the recurrent inventing and forgetting of passwords. A central place ie, where one's own profile or more stores like this and up to date can hold. The services then access only for them specifically approved parts of the data, the user must remember only one password. That should, however, please be a safe as possible.

Yahoo explains the benefits of such registration as vividly ( ), Google offers such as OpenID - Logins via Blogger and OpenID for Xing is directly already become the norm and demonstrates the benefits of the new single sign-on solution as Open Source movement clearly to the fore.
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