The _____________ was a war that was fought from 1914 to 1918 in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and East Asia and called over nine million _____________. The war began on 28 July _____________ with Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. On 30 July ordered Russia to support Serbia's _____________. Then the _____________ as an ally Austria-Hungary, Russia said on 1 August the war. In the evening the same day Russian cavalry divisions exceeded the limit of _____________. The _____________ began on 2 August 1914 without an official with the occupation _____________ Luxembourg by German troops. Then moved to the right wing of the German Army on 3 / 4 August in the _____________ one. Cause of the war was that was shot in the Austria-Hungarian heir to the throne _____________ pair of a Serbian _____________. On 11 November, the _____________ of _____________ instead. The same day the guns fell silent. The bloody war was over ten million called _____________ and _____________ generated.
The _____________ was the second at the global level led war all the major powers is _____________ and is the largest and costliest in the _____________ _____________ dar. He is the only war in which both _____________ (from the USA in Japan), and _____________ and _____________ weapons (both of which were mainly used by Japan in China) (NBC weapons). _____________ Was in Europe, the attack of the German Reich on _____________. This attack was carried out without prior _____________ 1 September 1939. The expansion of the war on the United States and Asia was made by the _____________auf Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. Worldwide, the Second World War about 55 million soldiers and civilians fell to _____________, including over six million in the extermination and concentration camps (KZ) murdered people. The _____________ lost during the war, an estimated 3.8 to 4 million German Wehrmacht soldiers and 1.65 million Civilians. By far the most deaths with over 25 million people lamented the _____________.
general mobilization - Second World War - nuclear - Armistice - Human Life - 1914 - neutral Belgium - German Empire - a declaration of war - 20 Century - East Prussia - human history - Sarajevo - Signature - human life - endless suffering - Triggers - First World War - 20th Century - Conflict - biological - Japanese attack - Poland - declaration of war - German Reich - extremists - victims - Signature - Dry - Soviet Union - Kriegshandlungen
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