Various forms of war
This is a form of warfare, the combined and coordinated use of various branches of the armed forces, ie, air, sea and land forces. Sudden, rapid and unexpected advances have let the enemy in the ideal case, no opportunity to organize a strong defense.
civil war
It is an armed conflict on the territory of one state among several national groups, often with interference foreign powers.
The clashes are either between the government and one or more organized groups of insurgents instead.
aggressive war
He describes a war in which attacks an attacker to another state on its territory, without the attacker (or any other state) either had been from the attacked country before themselves under attack, such an attack directly lay ahead, or the attacked state would have declared war on the attacker or occupying parts of its territory. For a definition of aggressive war is the establishment of an attacker who is from the perspective of the attacked It is usually a defensive war.
defensive war
He is in the classical theory of war, a war an invaded country for the purpose of defense, so the defense and rolling back a war of aggression launched by a foreign power.
World War
Under it means a war that several states, particularly concerns but major powers. The word is the first time in 1814 by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn been used with reference to the liberation war. Today the term is commonly associated with the First and Second World War. These two wars are being typed as a total war.
Terror war
The targeted destruction of symbols is a weapon of psychological warfare. The attack on the object strikes the system behind it.
It is generally defined as a salutary state of stillness or peace as the absence of disorder or disturbance. Peace is the result of the virtue of "peaceful" and related efforts for peace.
mine warfare
It was a campaign tactic to the siege of fortresses. Here were the attacker underground tunnels to be driven under the fortifications, ie it was undermined. When completed, the supporting Beams either set on fire or pulled by ropes. This broke the tunnels and the overlying walls and buildings collapsed in on itself or has been damaged.
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