Friday, November 7, 2008

Red Holes In My Tonsils

sites of politicians

After we were all allowed to follow in recent weeks, the best Internet campaign ever, here a small comparison between the actual actors in Germany and Barack Obama.

a reminder and still in a class of its own:
(plus their sites on Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, ...)
My absolute highlight of the campaign is the personalized video under - who has not yet seen: try IMMEDIATELY!

And now for comparison

order not to unnecessarily drag on: Merkel & Westerwelle = a single disappointment. Weak design, poor content, zero surprise, zero motivation to garnix. Sorry, just weak.

very nice design and as many as an attempt to motivate, SPD member to be at Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

And then at first glance, not outstanding, at least a small highlight of Reinhard Bütikofer. Interior Minister Schäuble looking down right into the picture with reference to the separate site is Privacy citizenship . Which is great in its approach. Of course there were still plenty of development opportunities and rewards the reader with reinzuholen. But after all: Here you can even donate online (like Obama).

Conclusion: Hopefully a look at all those responsible in the parties, what can be learned from a good role model everything. There is still much to do.


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