We the environment!
why we here in Europe the compulsory blending of petrol and diesel. Regulated in Germany by the Biofuels Quota Act are currently gasoline up to 1.2% bioethanol and diesel up to 4.4% Biodiesel added.
Angela Merkel's visit to Brazil (before last) last week served, among other things, with the local government Nachhaligkeitsabkommen for the cultivation of sugar cane used for ethanol production, to launch them. Say, for export to Europe would be bioethanol not cut down rain forest.
Nothing easier than that: the demand for ethanol increases, so will need more farmland. It can therefore certify that only sugar cane was used by existing land for production. For Brazil's own use or for exports to China or the United States, we simply Holzt new Surface. But that goes from the certificate for the "German" Bioethanol not clear.
occurs Fittingly, just back to that time, the Brazilian Environment Minister Marina Silva, because they are not the aggressive economic policies of Lula wants to support longer, the increased pressure on the rainforest.
fair, Lula speaks openly the fact that they are ready to protect the forest if we (we as Europeans) are willing to engage with the cost. That will not happen just by drinking beer, but when it comes to payments, listen to the fun is well known. So we will have waited a long time that we save the environment by fill biofuel.
as soy
rise for years, world prices for soy, as a feed for our dairy cows. We recall the Landliebe scandal. Rising prices are known to be triggered by rising demand, soybean cultivation is becoming more attractive and more areas are needed. The case for example in Argentina, where more and more soybeans are grown. (GM soya as profitable and easy maintenance. Roundup Ready , pesticide-resistant, the suitable pesticide is sold together with the destruction of all other weeds on the field the same. Tricky!) Is almost universally cultivated only soybeans, but demand for soybeans continues to rise because now the biodiesel to do so. Can be made from soy. Since there are no free areas more, it is now the rain forest are cut down to make room. But certainly the soy for biodiesel, no, he does not come from these fields. There, the soy in the soy oil exports to India and China is prepared. The soy for biodiesel is carbon neutral!
See also here.
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