What criteria can use it?
a. The extent to fit together television and Internet presence?
b. If the existing on television quality content online used appropriate?
c. How can you use the website in general?
d. How far used the specific possibilities of the Internet?
a. To fit all good websites for television broadcast. I find this particularly successful heute.de. Disadvantage of the large and beautiful header plus the large teaser on the current main issue is that evident at first glance are very few news. cnn is so far out of line, the layout comes across very reduced and total to see at first glance as a very strong Internet presence is oriented.
to b.
The ZDF media library brings the good news and individual contributions as videos. The daily show has also scored and also with the integration of radio programs.
RTL-date is actually completely embarrassing. Just the news to second Place on a flat tire by Antonia Rados somewhere in Afghanistan shows a remarkable setting of priorities. Further down is still the latest from the jungle camp. With the show I can compare it unfortunately, because I never look. The website but I will certainly not too high again . Visit
n-tv has some well-edited video compact.
falls on CNN, that it is the only site present in spite of very strong orientation of the current TV Internet in a big box. The preparation of the existing content from TV with live video, podcasts, radio, playlists, etc. two classes better than anything that exists in Germany.
to c.
I think basically one has to distinguish between a news portal to the quick view of the current news and background information to a topic throughout.
the fastest German site is for me n-tv. Here are all the important news immediately visible in the area. By automatically changing images is considered exciting. tagesschau.de and heute.de are here about the same. tagesschau.de suffers, unfortunately, despite very good content on the optimization of pixel to 800x600 and the associated narrow layout of the page. This slip a lot of nice content, such as the World Atlas
, in an area in which they are difficult to access.
When it comes to the comprehensive coverage around a theme, heute.de clear from my point of view in front, even - and this is surprising - before CNN. Here are the links to the change of power in the White House
heute.de and
cnn.com to compare.
to d.
really does not use the German offer the possibilities of the Internet. Since one can only recommend, cnn time to look closely. As this localization, interaction, mobile, blogs, RSS feeds, etc. are integrated, is far ahead. The next comes heute.de still holds up well with the beautiful approach "choice on the Web", the internet media.
summary can be stated that there are very good ideas and create something with more focus on the Internet probably see even more informative and high quality news sites. Let's see how long it will take to it is no longer worthwhile to turn on the TV.