Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Meps Drug Test To

- simple, quickly and wonderfully juicy!

succeed and is always done in an hour! Jedal for unexpected guests or bring cake!

1 cup sour cream (cup = measure of other ingredients ...)
1 cup of sugar (if desired with vanilla sugar) 1 cup cocoa
(Nesquick, etc., not a pure cocoa powder)
1 cup flour
1 cup nuts (or ½ nuts ½ coconut)
mix together ½ cup oil
1 packet of baking powder
3 eggs
1 jar cherries

All 10 - 15 minutes mix (food processor)
Pour into a mold, sour cherries choose to engage in it.
for a whole sheet take twice as much! Preheat oven

, about 180 to 200 degrees, 45 to 55 minutes (depending on the form - with a flat shape rather shorter); diameter sample.