Thursday, June 12, 2008

Movie With Woman's Husband In Suitcase

3ct cheaper milk again! Mas o menos

Lidl lowers the price of milk to 3ct. And only a few days after the price just increased was. The price of butter was not increased by the announced 20ct, here you have to go with the competition. With all the major discount chains fresh milk and butter costs the same again. And the farmers are threatening new strikes.

In Argentina, there are striking due to the large supermarkets in the bakery around the corner and certainly not at all any more milk.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Marlin 1870 Microgroove Mod 336 Cal 3030 Value

Y estas contento?

asked the manager to indigenous peasants. Estoy contento, he said - why not?

the south of Costa Rica, he grows organic bananas in the middle of the jungle. He gets 45 per kilo Colon, the cent are about 10. A month he earns about 600 kg, thus making 60USD per month. Of which he eats his 6-member family. Whether he comes to make ends meet? Sure, he keeps it afloat. Fair Trade? Through the secure disposal of organic bananas, he can expect a regular income, even if it can range from our point of view of a life on the edge of subsistence.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Miami Gay Crusing Spots

Germany, a summer fairy tale

last weekend. Just thunderstorms and rain. I wanted this summer actually not wear long pants anymore, but today there is no other way left. Two weeks of leg room took a sudden end.

The experience of recent years shows that every sunny day in May and June which falls on a weekend, must be used for grilling. For the end of June begins what we the Germans call it summer. Not one day more than 20 degrees and mostly overcast skies with rain showers moving through.

So Saturday was a technically better weather these days, the sacks of coal was still half full (and the fresh coal) and the chicken was on the grill.

A few days after our return from Sydney I found on the Internet on the Spatchcocked Chicken . Finally a chicken as with Velazques of barbecue? Yup! Therefore had to be tried!

prepare the chicken is a bit disgusting, I've also never done before, so in dead chickens rummage. However, must be creaking and cracking, the backbone out, the sternum and also finished the poor thing.
the grill hot, beautiful, and so that is also fairly even with lid. to prevent the fat drips into the coals and burns, the chicken comes on a grill pan, breast up. So the thing sizzling on the grill about an hour and is then turned over to the grand final, now on the rack so that the breast is now nicely would collect the heat. After about 20 minutes, the skin is nice and brown microswitches, then down it and onto the plate!

The potatoes are peeled by Jamie's way first and then cut into bite-size pieces. 10 minutes in salted water, let drain and evaporate water. The Garlic Card or a press Knoblaufzehen two muses and add to the potato. Pepper, thyme and rosemary, a few chili flakes should not be missed. Cover pot and shake on it properly. Then spread the potatoes on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. 20 minutes in the preheated hot (230 ° C) oven, in between moving again with a wooden spoon and ready.

salad. And the salad ciabatta .

Before a Mojito. The mint is in fact at this season in top form.

Refurbished Bathtubs Refurbished Bathtub?

Strawberries: Peak Time!

Now there is the tastiest and sweetest strawberries of the year. Within two weeks of order 80ct price the pound has fallen.

Since one can a day ever polish off a pound, right?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How To Say Happy Birthday To A Woman In Arabic

Ironically save Lidl

increase milk prices by 10 cents.

Smart Imagekamagne to make it appear the company after the scandal rolls again in better light.

Yes, this makes you look even to the poor German peasants!