Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Recommendation For School Sorority


On the Sunday after the wedding, I had somehow once again wants to bake bread. Now after I already watch a few could even know how to bake a proper ciabatta, I wanted to do-it-yourself:

Ciabatta del 09. Sept 2007

500g flour 10g yeast

450g water 10g salt

30 min in the food processor dough.
go 2-3 hours
dough into 4-5 parts to share and let rise again (1 hour).
oven to Max and 20-30 minutes.

Last year I had once before tried by the same recipe, but by the 1050s was more the ciabatta rather vollkornig.

This time I took 405er flour, plus more to come with gluten in flour to age range to a total gluten content of 12% -13%. 405er is normally 10%. However, the crust could still be a little thicker and larger must be above all the holes. On the to-do list is still the same point with the meal: P